
what is judo

What is Judo? A Guide Of The Gentle Martial Art

What is Judo? Judo is often seen as an aggressive martial arts. It stands out as a peaceful contrast, focusing on defeating an opponent by yielding instead of force. This martial art teaches more than self-defense, it offers life lessons that go beyond the dojo. Through judo, one gains physical fitness and mental strength, all […]

judo for self defense

Is Judo for Self Defense a Good Choice? | CombatSurge

Have you ever wondered how martial arts can be used for self defense? When it comes to protecting oneself in real-world situations, many people immediately think of karate or taekwondo. But what about judo? Is it an effective martial art for self defense? Can judo techniques really help you empower yourself and handle self defense

bjj vs judo
BJJ, Judo

BJJ vs Judo: Which Martial Art is The Better Choice?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and Judo are two of the most well-known grappling-based martial arts styles. Although they both have roots in traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, they have developed into unique forms with disparate specializations. Judo lays more emphasis on throws and takedowns than BJJ does on ground fights and submissions. Which one should you choose if

judo belts

Judo Belt Guide: A Complete Guide to The Judo Ranks

Judo belts play a pivotal role in the sport, not only as a visual representation but also as a symbol of rank and expertise. The colors of the belts signify the wearer’s progress and skill level, indicating their dedication and experience in the art of judo. Understanding the judo belt system is essential for both

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